Happy Monday ya’ll!!!

I am finally slowly getting caught up in life, business and everything else since my crazy wedding season is coming to a slowing speed. I mean weddings every weekend since May has been SO fun but leaves little time for blog posts, and pretty much anything else!

Anywho on to a big and important topic in weddings . . . photography and prints.  I see SO many brides these days spend a TON of moolah on photography, but then not order one print or book or anything.  Yes they have the digital images to put up on FB, but what about a lovely print or book to display your BIG DAY in your home?  

I think this is huge:)

If you can’t afford a book, at least order a big print to frame OR get a canvas print.
There are so many companies out there on-line that you can order these from for cheap!
One I have used recently is Printcopia . . . great prices, fast service and delivery of a great product!

I am currently going through ALL of the photography of this year’s weddings, and want to pick my top 5 pics to print for my office on canvas prints. SUCH a hard choice but I am super excited!!!

Anywho here’s my latest:

                                                                         Source: instagram.com via Tamara on Pinterest

From Corey’s wedding last year (adorable right?) 
Photography by Amy Walton Photography.

Thoughts?  If you are married, do you have a wedding book, prints or canvases in your home from your big day???

                                                            Source: adesignstory.com via Easy Canvas Prints on Pinterest

                                                              Source: misstweedle.blogspot.ca via Katie on Pinterest

Enjoy your week lovies!!!

~Simply by Tamara Nicole~